"Food Innovability". Quadrans Foundation, Fondazione Appennino & Foodchain Spa to Accelerate Green and Digital Transition
26th May 2021
The trials on implementing innovative systems have started. The experiment aims at enhancing the quality of animal and plant production. Today, transparency of the production process is one of our priorities, as well as the deployment of precision agriculture for a conscious use of resources. The more the quality of production is improved, the more we can support local farmers. These elements also play a key role in the fight against climate change.
This multi-objective agreement between Quadrans Foundation, Fondazione Appennino and Foodchain S.p.A. is now a reality. We have joined forces to carry out shared projects with the same vision, bringing our know-how to the table.
Quadrans Foundation, based in Canton Ticino (Switzerland) promotes and supports innovative technological development and applications;
Fondazione Appennino, based in Basilicata (Italy), addresses sustainable development and internal areas through innovation, cultural initiatives, communication and training programs;
Foodchain S.p.A., based in Lombardy (Italy), is the leading company in the design and development of customized IT solutions based on Blockchain technology and one of the first in the world to apply Blockchain to agribusiness for product traceability.
«It's a challenge we are ready to take on.» Says Piero Lacorazza, Director of Fondazione Appennino. Marco Vitale, President of Quadrans Foundation and CEO of Foodchain S.p.A. adds: «We want to work alongside producers, help them offer greater certainty to consumers and bring to market products that are in line with today's standards.»
«It is important - they continue - to improve the products and to affirm the brands. The predominantly rural and remote territories where farms operate can only be enhanced by the upcoming wave of innovation.»
This is a unique agreement as it marks the beginning of a journey through areas across the Italian national territory that focuses on the objectives set out by the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the PNRR Next Generation EU, which will inevitably cross the programs supported by the structural funds for the 2021/2027 agenda.
«This agreement represents - continue Lacorazza and Vitale - an important opportunity to prove us ready for the future. We are already operational and for a few weeks we have been approaching and meeting numerous livestock farms. Today, we want to overcome the many hurdles that farmers encounter, especially those located in remote areas on the Italian territory, away from markets and large-scale distribution. Digital and Green transition must arrive there too - technology knows no boundaries. We think of a future where work creates humanity, innovation and sustainability.»